How to Use Yummly
We love Yummly! It is a great place to find drool-worthy recipes! Yum any recipe and store it in a virtual recipe box! We hope this post will help you understand hot use Yummly for fun and as a food blogger!
Yummly can be just as addictive as Pinterest and it is as easy to use! Simply click the Yum button in the social share section of a recipe and ta-da! It is saved for future use. Yummly can also be a top 5 traffic source for bloggers. It is a great place to add recipes and it is easy to share with Yummly when you add the bookmark link!
How to Use Yummly
The best part about Yummly is the simplicity.
Singing up for an account as a blogger or as a food lover is quick and easy!
After creating an account we highly recommend add the bookmarklet to your toolbar so you can easily "Yum" any recipe.
Any recipe you Yum whether it be from Yummly or a different site will be saved in your virtual recipe box. You can organize your recipe box in collections or however you would like.
Now that the recipe is in Yummly it can show up in their feed, or can be found through their search. Yummly also features recipes on their Facebook page, Intagram and Twitter account.
The more you YUM recipes, the more Yummly understands what kind of food you like and will make recommendations for you when you log in on your desktop or mobile app. You can also search by ingredients, or recipes without certain ingredients, or even by holiday, special event, or food restriction. The sky is the limit!
To see how to use Yummly as a blogger check out The Pinning Mama! Her post really helped us!
*** Oh and don't forget to visit Palouse Brand's Yummly page and Yum your favorite recipes!