wheat berry

Sourdough Bread Recipe

100% Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread Recipe

This sourdough bread is incredible! It is a loaf to really be proud of as it is made entirely from our fresh milled Hard Red Spring Wheat Berries! It is a 100% whole wheat sourdough made from high quality flour. You can’t get much better than that!

Sourdough bread is made by a natural culture of yeast and bacteria. It is this culture that gives the bread a sour flavor and leavens it. This might sound intense but should not scare anyone off. Many people keep a sourdough starter these days. Obtaining a starter might be as easy as asking around. Of course, making your own starter is just as easy although it takes a few more days to get started. We encourage you to try our recipe and method listed below to get going with your own starter.

Loaves of bread are not commonly made with 100% whole wheat flour. This is because bread made from 100% whole wheat flour will always have less of a rise. The gluten forming proteins found in flour is only found in the endosperm. White flour purchased at grocery stores are just that; endosperm. Flour, milled from wheat berries, contains the whole grain from the bran, germ, and endosperm therefore; the overall protein will be much less. We feel the health benefit of using whole wheat flour strongly outshines the extra rise you get from white flour.

To help our sourdough bread get its’ rise, we sift our fresh milled flour through a sieve to remove large pieces of bran. The large bran flakes act like small shards that cut through the gluten strands; the same gluten strands that are important for our bread’s rise. Don’t worry; we add this bran back later after we soak it in warm water to soften. Then we simply fold it in as you would with any other bread additions such as nuts, dried fruits, etc.

Lastly, we bake our bread in a heated cast iron pot. This is a common method for baking crusty loaves at home. The heated cast iron pot provides a quick burst of heat and seals in the steam released from the bread during baking. This allows for a greater rise and crusty exterior.

We love our sourdough bread for morning toast, grilled sandwiches, and dinner bread. We hope you give it a try and let us know what you think!


    Comments 8

    Bean on

    So you don’t do a second rise. I’ve never made bread and only do one rise.

    Sonja Goldinak on

    I’ve been using your beans and grain for quite a while I’m just starting my first batch of sourdough baking and I will try this starter recipe for sure.
    Thank you,

    Lisa Williams on

    I have been using your Hard Red, Hard White and Soft White for several years now and live in the SF Bay area with a legacy SD starter. I have recently come to understand the Bassinage technique for lift. Even using exclusively Hard White, Levain the starter, 2 hr soak of the flour plus 90% of the water, before adding levain. 4 turns lift and fold THEN adding the remaining 10% water makes for great lift and beautiful holes. Love love love your wheat!!!!

    Patti Clarke on

    I am wondering if I can use your hard red winter wheat for this recipe.

    Sheryl on

    Ive been making sourdough bread for a while and this is one of my favorite recipes by far.

    Paul Baker on

    I used a different sourdough starter but otherwise followed this recipe carefully. First time making sourdough bread, and I am very pleased. I’ll probably add a little more salt next time.

    Chris on

    I’m a pastry chef, executive chef, and a devoted sourdough fan for 30 years and this recipe is incredible!!!! This is SF sourdough without SF starter, well done! It works well with hard white too.

    Bob Berlow on

    I love your bread flour and have using for a while to make sourdough. I can see that while your flour is labeled white bread it has flakes of what look like whole and from your post above maybe I need to sift through a sieve to get a better rise. Will that work with the white bread flour. I’ve been using a starter I got f/ SF Sourdough which I’ve been feeding with King Arthur organic white bread flour but am thinking to begin feeding with your white bread flour. I’ new to bread baking so any tips you have greatly appreciated.

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